Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hooked on Building

This is a blast! If there is anyone out there that still hasn't checked out Ana's site, 
do yourself a favor and spend some time there. I have a list of projects that I am itching to start. The first one that called to me was the bankable bookcase and I did it!

 My husband helped me out with the cuts on the table saw. Those sheets of wood are Heavy! But other than that, it is my project. I know that he was more than happy to help me out; he is the greatest. But I really wanted to do it by myself
(wow, that really sounds like Addy, my 2 yr. old.)

Here it is, primed and ready to paint.

Check out my cute shop assistant.


I should have asked for help measuring, I measured where I wanted it about 10 times. I was so worried that it wouldn't fit. Our house is very small, and everything has to fit just right 
(like a puzzle).


Guess what? it doesn't fit !?!???
I didn't think to measure the doorway, I wanted to cry. After all that work, I couldn't put it in the closet the right direction. So instead of seeing my cute bookshelf with toys and boys all nicely organized (at least for the picture) I can only see the end. Because of the width of the doorway and the light fixture, I can't turn it. The walls are all dinged up now, too, from my trying. 


I thought about moving it to Cort and Chan's bedroom, but after all of Collin's work on it, I couldn't just give his bookshelf away. Maybe after I finish one for each of them, I will have them trade. But for now, we get to enjoy it from the end.

 I love this color, it looks great in Collin's room. I wish that I had a better picture 
of the finished project, but I didn't bother to take one in my workshop (kitchen) 
because I was going to get it once it was in the closet, 
oh well... I will do better next time--you better believe there will be a next time.  
This is so fun!

Knock-Off Wood 


  1. I know its addicting right - I am finishing up the little lap top tables as birthday presents for my sons friends!!!

  2. I love it. You did a great job!
